23.-29.05.2005: Port Angeles - Victoria - Courtenay

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On Monday, we drove to a campground for the night and worked on the computer. On Tuesday we drove 53 miles to Port Angeles where we would get the ferry across to Vancouver Island, Canada and picked up ferry information etc. It was the first sunny day we had had in ages!!!

We went to the cinema and saw "The Interpreter" - a very good film with Sean Penn and Nicole Kidman. Afterwards we went for a walk along the sea front and saw an otter who ran across the path in front of us. After doing some shopping we stayed on a Wal-mart car park for the night.

On Wednesday, we got up at 6am and drove to the ferry for the 1.5 hour crossing to Victoria. It only took us 30 minutes to get through customs and this time a customs officer actually did a quick search inside Winnie. Then we spent about 2 hours in Victoria changing money and getting various info we needed.

Then we drove about 70 miles up to Nanaimo which is on the East side of the island and stayed on the Wal-mart car park for the night. On Thursday and Friday we stayed at a campground and got Winnie ready to put into storage for 3 months. Kirsten screamed because we had a huge spider inside Winnie which wasn't easy to get rid of!!

On Saturday we drove further north and stayed at another campground in Campbell River where we did all our packing for our flights to Alaska. On Sunday we drove to Courtenay. When we came to Vancouver Island 3 years ago in 2002, we visited Heide and Dieter who used to be Kirsten's parents neighbours in Hamburg. They emigrated to Canada in 1975 with their 3 daughters. We were going to leave Winnie with Heide and Dieter's daughter Kirsten who has a large piece of land, so we would be able to park Winnie there whilst we go to Alaska.

There was a full house that evening with Kirsten's family - husband Ray, three children - Brian 13, Caitlan 8, and Geoffrey 2, plus parents-in-law and brother-in-law and his wife. Afterwards we went to look at the new house Kirsten is building!! She is doing virtually all of the work herself and we were completely amazed. We wouldn't even contemplate doing something like that. For a start off, we wouldn't know how, and even if we could design the interior of the house (which is certainly not easy), we wouldn't have the practical skills to convert the design into reality!

Where does she find the time to be a full-time mother AND build a house? Plus she has three dogs, 2 cats, 2 horses, and chickens!!! Unbelievable!