10.-28.3.2008: Teacapan

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We stayed at the campground in Teacapan for nearly 3 weeks. We did a lot of walking along the beach, or at least Helen did! On one of those walks we were shown a litter of kittens. The mother had found a spot next to the generator of Edith and Wolfgang's RV and they had probably been born there.

The only reason they knew about the cat was that it kept hitting the button to start the generator! They kept moving the cat off but it was obvious that the cat thought it was a good place to have a litter!!

Don and Yvonne were going back home to Canada so we invited them over for a meal. We asked if there was anything they didn't eat and Yvonne said "only organ meat!" That caused a bit of consternation and quite a few laughs!! What she meant was that they don't eat offal!!!!

Yvonne still ended up cooking though, because she had a lot of meat that they wouldn't be able to take across the border. That meant that we got some wonderful "Rouladen" - rolls of beef stuffed with gherkins etc with yummy gravy. Delicious!!

When you look at the photos, the one with Helen with a peg on her nose is because we had something spicy to eat one evening which affected Kirsten's system so much that we needed to get Winnie fumigated!! The peg helped!

Then we thought someone else was fumigating a car on the campground. It turned out that a queen bee had flown under the roof of one of the fisherman's cars and the whole nest had joined her.

The fisherman tried to smoke them out of the car. That didn't work so he tried a fire extinguisher. His next idea was water! Nothing seemed to be working and he had spent hours. He finally gave up. But the next day the car was back minus any bees so something must have worked!

Helen had to go to the dentist whilst in Teacapan because part of a porcelain cap had broken off one of her teeth leaving a hole that would cause toothache if left unattended. So we made an appointment and Helen got a filling for free!!!

We were told to go back next week and we could get our teeth cleaned for free. But when we turned up we didn't understand that we had to go and put our names down on a list in the dentist's room.

You have to walk through the doctors reception area and directly into the dentist's room where there is the typical dentist chair. When we walked in, someone was being attended to so we thought we had to wait in the reception area. Wrong! We were supposed to put our names on the list. So we ended up waiting for a long time for nothing.

So we went back the next day and were told we were first on the list. But someone managed to get in before us for nearly 2 hours. So there was another long wait. Finally, we got called in and Helen went first. Then the chair wouldn't recline when the button was pressed and that meant that Helen's teeth wouldn't get cleaned!

But Helen had other ideas. She got up, pulled up the seat to have a look at the electric motor etc under the seat. She tried to make it look like she knew what she was doing. So she wiggled a few things here, and touched a few wires there. Then she got the assistant to push the button - Lo and behold, it worked!!!!

We have never been to the dentist before and had to fix the chair so that we can get treatment!!

The Easter weekend was loud and very noisy. The beach where we had stayed last month was absolutely packed with at least 250 cars. No wonder the owners had chased off all the campers. They had told us that they were expecting 3000 people there but we hadn't believed them. But there were over 1,500 people there which was still a lot!

We got loud music for 3 nights until the early hours of the morning and then our next door neighbour, a Mexican and his family who were camping in the spot next to ours, switched on his music at 7am. So we didn't get much sleep. But we were expecting that. What we didn't expect was that the whole thing would end at 8pm on Saturday evening!!

During the last few days we worked on our website to try and get up to date. One night when Helen went for a shower, there was a snake curled up near where the shower head comes out of the wall! It didn't stop Helen from taking a shower, she just kept an eye on it to make sure it didn't get any ideas!!

Helen told Kirsten who didn't believe her! So she went off to get a photo, but the campground owner moved it out so that Kirsten could have a shower - wimp!!