24.11.-14.12.2008: Teacapan - Mazatlán - Las Bocas

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Before we left Mazatlán we went to a dentist and got an appointment for Helen. They couldn't fit her in for 3 days and it was too hot so we decided to go to Teacapan for a couple of weeks and made an appointment for when we drive north again.

Then we drove 85 miles south for our beach holiday. When we arrived at the campground, we met Jacques and Heidi from Calgary who had only arrived 30 minutes before us!

We had a relaxing time but we also had a lot of work to do on the computer seeing as we were so far behind with our website. We also wanted to carry on watching West Wing, the US TV series about the president and his press corps but the external drive we had copied it onto decided it wasn't going to work anymore and so that was the end of that!!

So we went back to reading books and doing the website. Helen also went on her long daily walks along the beach in the afternoons to get fit and get a suntan again!

Kirsten got a real shock one evening when she went to have a shower when it was already dark. She was carrying a chair, bags containing her shower stuff and the shower shoes. She used her foot to push open the door and a snake fell right in front of her!! It had obviously been sitting on top of the door!

She screamed and came running back in a panic. Helen went back with her to see where the snake was now and we found that it had already slithered half way back up the door. So we went to all the other campers to warn them and one of them came and moved it with a pair of tongs and threw it into the bushes!

We have no idea if it was poisonous or not but poor Kirsten couldn't get over the thought that it might have dropped right on top of her had she not used her foot to open the door!!

Kirsten made some banana bread but half way through, she opened a new bag of flour and found a worm in there! So we had to borrow some from neighbours who got some of the finished product in return!

We spent one of the days going into Escuinapa with Heidi and Jacques to do some shopping. We also went out for a Taco lunch whilst we were there. The next day we made lasagna which we took over to Heidi and Jacques where we had salad to start, lasagna and a fruit salad for dessert.

The rest of our time was spent writing the reports for the website so that we could get an update done. We left Teacapan on the 10th December and drove to Mazatlán where we met up with Bob and Suzanne and went out for a meal with them.

The next day Helen went for her dental appointment to have two fillings done. They had to be done on two separate days. The first filling needed an injection but the one on the following day didn't. Fortunately she managed to get through it without too much of a problem!

We drove further north and stopped at Las Bocas on the beach for a day off. Then we drove up to Obregon airport and stayed overnight. The next day Helen flew to England for three weeks and Kirsten drove to Alamos.