07. - 10.05.2009: Snow Canyon - Subway (Zion NP) - Kanarraville Canyon

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The next morning we found a poster and a small note on our windscreen from our RV neighbours - see photos.

We drove out to Snow Canyon State Park. We had tried to find it last time we were here about two years ago and ended up giving up. This time, however, we had asked and got directions. We did a short hike to White Rocks and then did the scenic drive through the park. The cacti were in bloom which made it very colourful.

We drove to Zion National Park and got a permit to walk "The Subway" for the following day and then went to a BLM area (GPS-coordinates: N37° 10' 15.74", W113° 6' 28.69") just 9 miles outside the Park where we could park for free and started getting everything ready for tomorrow.

We got up at 6am and drove up to the trail head on Kolob Terrace Road. We packed what we needed and then set off. The walk is about 11 miles return but is very strenuous. We knew we would be walking through very cold water which is why we had bought waders and neoprene socks.

The first part goes steeply downhill and after only 20 minutes, Helen went ass over tea kettle and knocked her left elbow for six! Ouch! The walk continued along the riverbank with a number of river crossings. Kirsten put on her Teva's and neoprene socks but Helen's new waders only had a thin rubber sole so she wanted to stay in her boots as long as possible.

As it turned out, Helen stayed in her boots because Kirsten could help her across the river. There was a lot of rock scrambling and it was quite a tough walk. After 4 hours we got to a giant multi-coloured alcove which was quite spectacular. Shortly afterwards there was a very slippery section where we had to walk over a smooth rocky area where the water was coming down.

Then we got to the Subway which is a rock formation that looks like a tube formed by the water coming through over hundreds of years. There were a number of very deep pools and to get further you need ropes and rappelling experience. Most people start at the other end and have two cars parked, one at each end of the walk. We were just doing the return walk to the Subway seeing as we don't have any ropes!

The Subway was quite impressive and we saw a number of people coming through chest deep water.

We spent an hour there and then headed all the way back. At the very slippery part, a man wanted to take Helen's hand and help her. She should not have accepted the help because she ended up slipping and the man fell on top of her!!

The way back seemed easier but we were getting quite tired and the steep slope back up to the car park was very slow going! It took 10 hours in total which includes 2 hours for photos. It's a super walk and we highly recommend it.

We took the following day off as we were quite sore and it had been exhausting and on the Sunday we drove to Kanarraville and asked how to get to the Kanarra Creek Slot Canyon there.

We parked up on the church car park (GPS-coordinates: N37° 32' 13.55", W113° 11' 1.70") and headed into the canyon. This time we both had on waders and neoprene socks as we had to cross the river several times and the final walk into the canyon was through the river.

The narrow canyon was well worth the 5 mile round trip walk. We stopped at a waterfall and although there was a tree stump with a rickety old ladder attached, it was very unstable and there was a five foot gap from the top of the ladder to get up to a boulder. A fall would have broken bones. So we turned around.