01. - 14.02.2010: Teacapan

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The beginning of February brought torrential rain. The rain was pounding so hard on Winnie that we had to shout so we could hear each other talk! The campground was water logged the next day and we had more rain. The power was out in the whole town and our beach walks were temporarily postponed.

Fortunately the rain had stopped by the 4th so we could celebrate Agnes' birthday on the beach with a campfire and potluck. We took a banana cake and squeezed 20 oranges to make about a gallon of juice to go with the champagne. We all had a very enjoyable evening.

Agnes is celebrating her birthday

Unfortunately Kirsten had a migraine the next day and stayed in bed. Then it was back to fishing the following day. By now a lot of the fish are distributed amongst the other campers and it was a good day - 26 fish. The filleting takes a great deal of time though!

O Sole Mio ...

On the next trip they had a visitor called Leila, an elegant tern that hitched a ride. She sat peacefully in the front of the boat for an hour, whilst we didn´t catch any fish. Was it Leila´s presence? We changed spots and all of a sudden caught a lot of big fish. Now Leila woke up and started diving for the bait. Helmut was already waiting for her attack and whacked her on the head with his rod. The poor thing didn´t know what hit her and took about 5 seconds to recover. Then she flew off and we never saw her again. Kirsten was a little sad, cause she really liked Leila, but hooking a bird would have been a catastrophe.

Kirsten´s last fishing trip

Our last few days in Teacapan were spent cleaning and tidying up. Helen needed to go to the dentist and one was recommended further south in La Penita. We got an appointment via email and then headed off.