04.-09.06.2010: Popocatépetl - Downtown Mexico City - Club Alemán

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We took it easy the next day and Kirsten showed Annette how to use Skype. Now she can phone her girl friend Gisela in Greece using video conferencing.

In the morning we went to a bakery to buy delicious French croissants. The cakes looked fabulous too. This is the best bakery in Mexico we have seen so far.

On Saturday we had the promised lunch with Senior Licienciado Gil Rodríguez Reyes and his wife. Pig trotters with sauerkraut, for dessert home made apple pie with ice cream and whipped cream. We had a power cut for hours, so we had to whip the cream by hand.

Pig trotters with sauerkraut in Mexico City

Afterwards we needed a couple of tequilas to settle the stomach. We still couldn´t sleep at night, because the mozzies circled our heads and found some blood! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... zzzzzzzzzzzz

Never mind, we had to get up early anyway (4.45am). Annette took us to the two volcanoes Popocatépetl (5.452 Meter) and Iztaccíhuatl (5.285 Meter). It was still dark outside when we left the city at 5.30am. No cars on the streets - a first for us in this giant city. Within 2 hours we got to the volcanoes - in time to see the sunrise. Lots of snow on the tops.

In December 2000 Popocatépetl erupted again and spewed lava rocks and ash clouds. Mexico City´s airport (60km away) had to be closed several times. Hence, Popocatépetl is closed to the public at the moment. It is still very active and the next big eruption can happen any time.

We enjoyed a cup of tea in the visitor centre and then drove up to the parking lot on Iztaccíhuatl. Not an easy thing to do in Annette´s low sports car on a bumpy and sandy road!

We left the car on the parking lot and hiked up the volcano. We were way above 3000m and the altitude with less oxygen made us huff and puff. The blood was pumping through our bodies! We stopped on a saddle with a fantastic view onto Popocatépetl. Other hikers passed us on the way to the very top - well equipped and acclimatized to the altitude.

On the way down we stopped again at the visitor centre to use the bathroom. Afterwards Annette´s car didn´t start. The battery was empty! Two mountain rangers jump started us and we drove all the way back to Mexico City without switching off the engine - although we had to get petrol at a gas station.

While Annette sorted out her car the next day, we took it easy and worked on the computer.

Tuesday was our second last day in Mexico City and we went into the city centre with the metro. First stop was the Museo Mural Diego Rivera. "Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in the Alameda" - the 15m wide and 4 m high wall painting is one of the most famous ones of Diego Rivera. He painted it in 1947 and it shows personalities like conqueror Cortés, Emperor Maximilian, the presidents Benito Juárez and Porfirio Díaz, and of course Frida Kahlo.

Downstairs you can use the Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo bathrooms!

Next we went to the “Palacio de Bellas Artes“ to see the entrance hall. Across the road is the Palacio Postal - the main post office built between 1902 and 1907. The staircase and the old windows are really beautiful. We took a quick look in the “Casa de los Azulejos“ - the house of the blue tiles. There is a beautiful café in the centre of it.

On to the Zócalo. We had seen the cathedral and palace already in 2005. This time we went to see the Gran Hotel with it´s beautiful glass ceiling and the old elevators. We had lunch on the top terrace - great view onto the Zócalo!

Last stop were the Portales de los Evangelistas. Little stands with paper production manufacture hand made cards and invitations. In the back you will find the professional writers. Lots of people in Mexico City can´t read and write and use the services here.

A big thunderstorm went across the city centre and so we took the metro back home. Annette prepared a traditional Mexican dinner for us. Barbacoa - lamb, wrapped in Maguey leaves and cooked slowly in the earth. Served with tortillas, onions, tomatoes, avocado, salsa etc! Delicious! Watch the following video if you want to know how to eat it.


After we had packed our bags, Annette took us on our last day to the German Club. Member fee per year is 20.000 Pesos (ca. 1600 US$). Annette gets a few free day tickets for her visitors, so we just walked through without paying. The club is very luxurious. Tennis courts, squash courts, soccer field, running track, big swimming pool, club houses, restaurants, massage rooms etc.

One of the service people placed three loungers for us in the shade. Life is hard! La vida es dura!

Annette taught Helen how to snorkel. Watch the video to see how well both of them did.

Helen learns how to snorkel

Afterwards Helen rewarded herself and jumped head first of the 7 metre tower. Wow! No video of this performance, because Kirsten was in the water nearly shitting her swim suit when Helen went up the tower.

We had German bratwurst and French fries for lunch followed by a massage.

Annette took us to the airport around 5.30pm. We really enjoyed the 11 days with her and were a little sad to say goodbye. We had a great time!

Muchas gracias, Annette! We will come back!