20.-31.01.2011: Teacapan

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Kirsten was happy to be back at our peaceful beach in Teacapan and was looking forward to going fishing. But she came back complaining about the sea fog that had rolled in at 10-30 in the morning that wrapped the whole coast in a thick wet blanket.

Then she only caught one fish! We were expecting a visit from Phyllis and Russ and she had promised them fresh fish. So she had to beg from Helmut and Agnes!! Kirsten found a beach house for them just a short walk from our camp ground and they decided to rent for two nights not one.

They arrived at noon and we took them to the Japanese/Mexican restaurant for lunch and then Kirsten cooked the freshly caught fish for the evening meal. We haven't seen them for a while so there was a lot to catch up on.

The next day we took them to the Haas Ranch across the road. Antonio Haas is the man who created the avocado of the same name and lived in the ranch for decades until his death in 2007. There was only one of the ugly naked dogs left when there used to be five and only two of the three ostriches are still there.

We had made a banana nut cake for the afternoon and then took Phyllis for a walk on the beach with Agnes. Unfortunately there was a dead cow on the beach! Not a very nice sight! That evening they took us out for a meal at the Hotel Maria Fernando in town.

The rest of our short return break here was spent fishing (for Kirsten) and working on the computer. We also had some really good sunsets.

Fog on the camp ground - 360° Panorama
(move mouse over panorama and click on the arrows)

Sunset - 360° Panorama
(move mouse over panorama and click on the arrows)