17.-24.05.2011: Cape Arago

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We spent the next eight days in and around Coos Bay which is a really interesting and beautiful part of the coast, maybe even the best part!

Cape Arago was just one of the many highlights. Within only a few miles there are spectacular rock formations, marine life, plants and flowers everywhere you look, wonderful beaches and trails around the cape.

At Simpson Reef we saw seals, sea lions and elephant seals, (We heard and smelled them too of course!) Walking along part of the Oregon Coast trail we saw a baby seal that may have been recently born as we could still see the umbilical chord. It was still getting used to the fact that it had flippers! Really cute. (See video at the bottom of the page)

Shore Acres State Park is a botanical garden that is popular for its roses. We weren't there at the right time but still enjoyed wandering around the many rhododendrons. The coast line here is dramatic and a place where many come to watch the waves crashing against the rocks thrusting huge curtains of foamy water onto the viewing platforms. The best time is at high tide when it's combined with a major winter storm! Not the right time for us but still fascinating. We went two evenings in a row for the sunset photos.

We did manage to be there at the right time for a high number of minus tides in the mornings. We really loved getting up early and walking out to all the tidal pools at various places along the coast. We never got bored with them as each one had something different. Sea anemones, starfish, sea urchins, mussels, hermit crabs and much, much more. Unbelievably colourful. The beauty of nature can sometimes take your breath away.

The tidal pools at Yoakam Point and Cape Arago Head were our first introduction and we got hooked! Helen even spotted a rarely seen Gumboot Chiton (a living animal).

From Sunset Beach we walked along the coastal path back towards Shore Acres State Park and watched some really good storm waves crashing against the rocks. You can feel the vibrations under foot and hear the thunderous roar. Helen even got a shower! (See video)

Video summery of the first two weeks along the Oregon Coast.

At South Slough Estuary we walked five miles along trails. The birds hadn't arrived yet but we saw giant skunk cabbage, walked along a boardwalk and through a tunnel of trees. A really enjoyable walk.

Giant skunk cabbage at South Slough Estuary - 360° Panorama
(move mouse over panorama and click on the arrows)

We also drove inland to see Golden Falls and Silver Falls and up to a viewpoint. Another very good walk.