25.06.-13.10.2013: Okanagan

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Whilst Helen walked from Geneva to Santiago de Compostela from June to October (see Helen's Camino 2013 website,), Kirsten stayed in Canada with Winnie. A number of friends visited her whilst she was there so she wasn't alone. Bob and Annette, who we know from Mexico, drove 90 minutes just to take her out to lunch which she really enjoyed, and Ingelore and Rolf, who we haven't seen for 6 years, came and stayed for two nights.

Kirsten lost a key to our motor home and ended up having to break in! She was also stung three times by a couple of wasps and had to deal with an unwanted visitor - a mouse! It took a while, but she managed to get rid of it using a mouse trap but the whole process lasted 5 nights and the mouse even ran over her face whilst she was asleep!! Finally the mouse trap worked but the photo is not pretty!

After over three months we were finally back together to plan our next adventure.