19.-27.01.2008: Álamos

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The music festival in Álamos took place between the 18th and 26th January this year. The times of the concerts were slightly different from last year but there were completely new bands, performers and concerts that were very wide ranging.

Music-Festival in Álamos.

Helen was still recovering from her bout of sickness and also had to wait in for someone to come along and take us to a notary to get some papers signed for Germany. We had some really nice sunny days for the beginning of the festival but then it turned to rain.

Our oven had short circuited and we thought we would have to buy a new one, but Roland managed to fix it for us for which we were very grateful. In return we gave them loads of tips about Mexico over coffee and cakes - Kirsten used our repaired oven to bake a carrot cake.

Kirsten also became the computer nerd for the campground and helped out various people with their problems. She sorted out Mike and Joan's computer so that they could get back into their email again and they came around and gave us 6 tins of their own smoked sockeye salmon that they had caught and smoked themselves.

We opened one of the tins the next day and it was absolutely delicious!!! That got a huge "WOW" from us! So we decided we would keep the rest of the tins for birthdays and Christmas. So the tins will last us until 10th April 2009! Well that's the plan but they will never last that long!!!

We went to see various concerts including "Gypsy Kings" style music, Oaxaca folklore music and dancing and an absolutely wonderful harpist who also sang soprano. She played in the church where the sound was really good and at the end, everyone was crying because she had played and sung "O mio Bambino Caro". Beautiful!

At the Oaxaca folklore dancing, Roland got pulled up to dance with one of the dancers!