11.02.-02.3.2008: Teacapan

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We changed spots on the campground when one of the RV's left so that we weren't so far away from everyone else and set up our tarp again. We weren't that far away and yet there was more wind and therefore it was cooler.

We tried to do baked potatoes in Helmut and Agnes' fire outside but they ended up getting burnt and tasting of smoke! Not our most successful meal.

We walked a lot on the beach but the local shrimp farm opened up a channel so that the water from the inland laguna could run into the sea which meant there was a river to cross if you wanted to walk more than 20 minutes. So Kirsten carried Helen across!!

Then we ran out of propane! That's a first for us! We were hoping to last just another day as the propane guy was coming to Teacapan but we didn't make it. So we had to farm out our food from the fridge and freezer out to Wolfgang and Edith who had space! The next day we drove into Esquinapa and filled up with propane and did some shopping whilst we were there.

On the 20th February we saw our second total lunar eclipse in the last 7 months. Fortunately this one was at 8 pm rather than 2am like the one in the Yukon!

On the 25th it was Kirsten's birthday and we sat outside with Helmut and Agnes and Wolfgang and Edith and had coffee and cakes to celebrate. The table looked really good. Kirsten was given some Rittersport chocolate and some small, local flowers from Agnes which we used to decorate the table!