01.-04.01.2011: Teacapan

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Our New Year started well as the shower in the camp ground wasn't working. Kirsten was not a happy bunny because she needs a shower after a hard days fishing! The manager, Aron, came along and said it was fixed. So Kirsten was the first to try it out.

She managed to have a hot shower but when she turned it off it didn't fully turn off. The remaining water in the shower head started heating up into steam and was spluttering. It built up into a crescendo until the shower head started shaking violently. She thought it was going to explode so she jumped outside naked!

So no more hot showers for a few days until Aron's uncle came along, who is an electrician, and fixed it properly. Well ... we hope so at least! We don't want to report about exploding showers in the future!

Helen's long awaited dental appointment came through when we phoned up on 3rd January so we had a day to give Winnie a real clean and get packed up to leave as it takes two days to get down to La Penita.

Brian readjusted our idling speed for us again which was really nice of him and then we found a frog with yellow eyes that had hidden in the bag we use to protect our electric cable when it is in use!

Kirsten went out on the boat for a bird watching trip with Helmut, Agnes and Petra the day before we left. They saw dolphins and lots of birds were posing for the cameras.

Birdwatching boat trip