20.-31.12.2010: Teacapan

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Christmas was almost upon us and preparations had to be made. Kirsten cut Helen's hair and we had to go shopping for the planned meals. We phoned Germany and England on Christmas Eve. Kirsten was really happy that the photo books had got there at 2pm that day, but Helen wasn't happy because the English version had been sent a lot earlier but her father would have to wait until the new year to get his.

Petra, a German friend from the other camp ground managed to get this video of the dolphins.

Dolphin hunting on the beach. Filmed by Petra.

Our Christmas celebration was on the beach with our German friends and a big camp fire. We all brought food along and had a lot of fun. We even sung some German carols!

Two days later Kirsten went out fishing again and they caught 37 fish which took a long time to fillet. On her way home a dolphin was chasing a shoal of fish called Lisa's until the fishermen came along and swooped down with their nets. They weren't after the dolphin but all the Lisa's.

Fishing on the beach

They had to fight hard to get the net full of fish into the boats. This is quite a rare sight from the beach here but people have been complaining that there are a lot fewer fish because of over fishing and we have noticed that pelicans and other birds seem to be disappearing. Are they being forced to go elsewhere to find fish?

For New Years Eve we walked over to the other camp ground in the dark for 8pm. There were about 20 of us. It was meant to be a camp fire but no food. But we took along some Ritz biscuits and spread philadelphia cheese and salmon on top. They certainly went down well! Helmut had also made a guacamole. Then the marshmallows came out so we were well entertained! We had the countdown and welcomed in the New Year. There were even a few fireworks in the town that we could see from the beach. Happy 2011!