13.11.-19.12.2010: Álamos - Teacapan

Click on a photo to enlarge it.

We spent a week in Clifton waiting for our post to arrive. Helen did a spring cleaning and sort out and Kirsten worked on the computer. We headed down to the border with Mexico at Nogales, passing cotton fields along the way. We stocked up on everything we needed to take to Mexico with us and there weren't any problems crossing the border.

Kirsten managed to miss a stop sign in Hermosillo on the way to Wal-Mart whilst Helen was searching on the map for street signs to find our way. There was a loud blaring horn, and when Helen looked up from the map she saw a car heading right for her!! Fortunately he stopped because Kirsten certainly didn't!!

We had another coolant leak. We tightened up one of the clamps only to find that there was another leak from a different clamp that we couldn't get to. So we decided to go to the place in Hermosillo that did our brakes a few months ago and see if they had a tool to get to the clamp. But we took a wrong turn and ended up going up and down streets and thought we were completely lost.

Somehow we got back on track and eventually got to the brake place only to find that it was jam packed with cars waiting to be seen to. So after all our effort we gave up on the idea and decided we would buy the tool ourselves if we could find it.

We stayed in San Carlos on the beach for a day and Kirsten managed to step on a bee! She's done this before but it still hurts like hell.

Our favourite campground in Álamos was virtually empty when we arrived. But it was good to see Mike and Joan again. They even said we could use their shower because the campground showers weren't working.

We stayed for a week and never did get the shower fixed but at least they opened up one of the hotel rooms for us so that we could have a shower. We even managed to get wi-fi inside Winnie which made up for the shower problems. So we phoned up the dentist to try and organise an appointment for Helen to get gum surgery and the final crown.

Our friend Annabelle came over to see us a few times aswell. We stayed in her Casita this summer and stored our motor home there so we invited her for a meal.

We headed further south and Kirsten had another bad driving day. First she missed a speed bump and hit it. Things went flying in the back and we got whiplash! Then, after we had just stopped for propane, she nearly ran over a dog. Not long afterwards some birds flew in front of us and for the first time we actually hit three of them. They normally fly so fast that they miss us completely. But not today! Killer Kirsten is at the wheel!!

The next day we drove to Teacapan and it was Helen's turn to hit a speed bump!! But only because Kirsten distracted her by pointing out the new street lamps in Esquinapa!! The road to the beach was really bad and slow going. It has been newly done but it is like driving over big waves. Then the tarmac stops and the big pot holes start!

We finally got to the beach on the 30th November. There weren't many campers down here but over the last couple of weeks more and more have turned up. Kirsten goes fishing with Helmut and Agnes twice a week and we go for beach walks. We have also been doing work on the computer.

Dolphins joining our fishing trip.

Kirsten has been complaining that she is putting on weight and then one evening, she bent over and there was this ominous tearing noise!! She had ripped her shorts! So the first thing Helen did was to get out the camera to preserve the moment for posterity!

We had a visit by a parrot snake in the campground toilets. The name is because of the bright green, yellow and blue colours of a parrot. Then we all went down to the town centre for the "cook out" which is to raise money for charity.

It is a competition to vote for the best Clam Chowder and Chilli. Kirsten tried the four different Chowders and Helen tried the 6 different Chillis made by various people who are regulars to Teacapan for the Winter.

Kirsten's new hobby is 360° panoramas. Have a look at the following: -
(Click and move mouse over the 360° panorama)

Campground at 7.45am - 360° Panorama
(move mouse over panorama and click on the arrows)

Campground an hour later - 360° Panorama
(move mouse over panorama and click on the arrows)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!