30.03.-24.04.2011: Phoenix - Agua Fria NM - Camp Verde

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We headed straight for the border after San Carlos and due to computer problems ended up having to wait for two hours to get into the States. We drove up to Phoenix where we had ordered a new door handle for our new fridge. The previous one didn't even last for 5 months and the guarantee meant we could get a free replacement. But when we asked for the old one back they told us that wasn't possible as they had to send it off to get their money back. So we ended up buying another one – well the first one hadn't lasted very long and we needed a replacement if the new one only lasted 5 months aswell!

We had promised Beth, Rosemary and Andrews daughter, that we would get in touch when we were in Phoenix and we were invited to dinner as soon as we did. They have a very large house and we stayed in their guest room for two nights.

Beth and Bill are into triathlons and that weekend they wanted to do some training as there was a triathlon coming up the following weekend. So we went with them up to Canyon Lake about 40 minutes outside Phoenix in the hills. Their twins Anya and Liam wanted to stay at home.

There were a few stores and an Inn which felt as though we were walking into the wild west - saddles covering the bar stools, money hanging from the ceiling and a "view through the loo" for photos! On the way to the lake car park we nearly ran over a snake which we thought was dead as it didn't move. But that wasn't the case! So Kirsten took photos out of the window!

Bill and Beth got into their wet suits and we played with Jewel their Doberman who is a big softie. Kirsten even tested the water which she declared far too cold so Bill and Beth must really like triathlons!

Over the evening meal (fettuccine Alfredo) Beth told us about Boot Camp where she goes 3 times a week and we got so interested that Helen asked if we could come along and watch. Watch? Not a chance. Beth got so excited that before we knew it we were going along to take part! Just one problem ... it was between 5 and 6 in the morning!!!!!! So Helen tried saying that she didn't have any trainers or clothes to wear. No Problem - Beth kitted her out. Damn! No more excuses!

So we got up at 4-20 am the next morning and met Kimberley the instructor who definitely put us through our paces! Jumping onto blocks and swinging a 4kg dumbbell. As beginners we were given one block as opposed to three for Beth!

Helen has never done two footed jumps as, any sport she has done previously, involved leaping with one foot first, so she had a bit of difficulty with the co-ordination. But Kirsten was also having co-ordination problems following the various instructions.

We probably laughed more than we participated and it was great fun. Even the two outside runs in the dark! Right at the end we were struggling but surprised that we were still going! We laughed throughout the last exercise and howled at the video later! (Look at that orange skin!)

A real American culture experience: Boot camp in the USA

We drove back and Bill and Beth went to work and the kids went to school. So Kirsten spent time getting the video ready and put it on Beth's computer for her and Helen got the chance to play the baby grand!

Once we left, our first stop was to get Helen some training shoes and Kirsten promised to go on a diet. But not today or the next as it happens - too much pain from all that exercise. Wimps!

On the way north we encountered some pretty steep hills and Winnie nearly over heated. So we had to pull over for an hour to cool down before continuing. Something wasn't right as the fan just didn't come on. So we decided we would get it checked out in Camp Verde when we got there.

But first we stopped in Agua Fria (meaning cold water) for the night. The weather radio told us that a storm front with snow was coming in so we ended up sitting it out for five nights. The temperature dropped from 25 degrees down to 7 and we really felt it! Out came the hot water bottles, winter clothes and fleece blankets. We even had a bit of snow.

For Helen's birthday we went for a walk in the area and watched a film in the evening. It's very quiet and peaceful here and it's also free! We checked under the bonnet the day before we left only to find that we had a mouse nest in our air filter with babies in it!

We made a temporary nest using a card board box with tissue in it and carefully removed the nest and put it into the box on the floor. But the parents obviously had other ideas and made another nest at the back of the engine! They even started chewing our air filter to use the material for their new nest and we had to block off the pipe leading to the air filter! What a performance.

Mice nest in Winnie's air filter and engine

Finally we drove to Camp Verde where there is plenty of free camping. We got an appointment for two days later and had a new thermostat fitted. It was the cheapest solution so we thought we'd try that first and see if it solved the problem. But the test drive showed that it hadn't. So we drove back to Camp Verde and went to the Napa workshop because the mechanic at the other place had back problems and could hardly move.

The Napa workshop was about to close but they said we could park there for the night and could even plug in. The next morning they fitted a new fan clutch and we went off for a test drive. Well, we were still overheating. But we knew that it couldn't be the radiator as the owner had already taken a look. Plus we knew that we had had a new radiator 3.5 years ago.

The owner knew a trick, however. They manually put the fan clutch into the locked, ON position and we went for another test drive. On exactly the same stretch where we had just overheated, the temperature gauge never even went above half way. So at least we knew that it was definitely the fan clutch and we obviously had a faulty part.

But when we showed the owner the receipt and work sheet for the work we had done 3.5 years ago, he noticed that there was a different part number for the fan clutch and that we needed a heavy duty fan clutch because we are a motor home. So they had to order one and on the following Monday we finally got the problem fixed.

We decided to stay in Camp Verde at the free camping area for a few more days and Kirsten even got her jogging shoes out and went for a run!! Not exactly boot camp but better than nothing.