25.04.-30.04.2011: Hoover Dam - Royal Wedding - Lake Mead

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We drove north to Flagstaff for a quick stop at a solar panel shop where a very nice man gave us loads of tips on what we would need and we even got some free connectors which will come in handy. But then we needed to leave as Flagstaff is high up and the temperature would drop to zero or below. So we zipped off west and stayed at the Wal-Mart in Kingman.

Helen had found a free camping place on the internet which was just north of Kingman in a town called Chloride. So the next day we drove up to take a look and found some Rvs in a parking spot behind a building but they were hooked up and it was supposed to be free.

So we walked through the door into the building and straight into something we had only seen in US films! A typical bar - smoke filled, loud country music (what else?) on the juke box, several oldies nursing a beer and hunched over the bar in total silence, bar tender reading the newspaper looking consummately bored who didn't even look up when we walked in! Do these places really exist?? Is this the only entertainment for them?? Oh boy!

One of the bar stooges looked up and shrieked an enthusiastic "Hiiiiiii". It had probably been years since such young blood had entered the place. We really had to bite our tongues not to laugh. It turned out that it would cost $15 for the night and therefore not free, but our detour was worth it just to see this place.

Since October 2010 the Hoover Dam has a new attraction - a new bridge. After 9/11 the security measures for the only road across the dam meant huge queues so a new bridge has been built. You can still drive over the old road across the dam but it is well worth parking at the viewpoint and walking up onto the new bridge for a great view of the dam. Don't expect to see anything from driving across the new bridge because there is a wall that prevents it. (We have a wonderful video of this wall!!)

Hoover Dam

We spent a couple of nights parked on the car park of the Hacienda Hotel and Casino nearby and found a wonderful walk along the old rail track to the dam. It takes you past Lake Mead and through tunnels to the dam where you can get great views of both the dam and the new bridge. The walk takes about 2 hours return and is about 6 miles. Well worth it. It starts right from the hotel car park.

On the 28th April we had no choice but to get a room in the hotel for the night. The royal wedding was taking place and Helen really couldn't miss it even though she doesn't even know who the bride is! Well she isn't in England and has missed all the wedding fever! We don't have a TV and the chances of us finding a good enough internet connection were not good. So Helen paid for a hotel room!

The ceremony would be at 3am our time and the coverage would start 2 hours before that so it was going to be a very long night. We actually went to bed at 8-45 pm for a few hours and got up at 00-45am.

Then it was off down to the 24 hour restaurant for bacon and eggs, plus hash browns (fried grated potatoes) toast and tea or coffee - all for 99 cents! Well bacon and eggs is the typical English breakfast, so it had to be done.

Then back to our room to watch the wedding until 6am. Just one slight problem. It was extremely windy outside - gale force winds. Every few minutes there would be a strong gust that would hit our windows and they made a rude noise!! It sounded just like a loud fart! And that during the Royal Wedding! The Queen was not amused!! Well, she's 85 and Prince Phillip is 90. Amazing!

Quite a spectacle but then we didn't expect anything less. But what on earth were Prince Andrews daughters wearing on their heads!!! Helen was pointing out who was who but the commentators got a few of the people wrong! (We couldn't get the BBC!)

We tried to get a few more hours sleep before check out time and realised that we aren't as young anymore. We can't cope with all-nighters. Fortunately it was only a short drive to Stewart's Point on the banks of Lake Mead, another free camping area, where we could relax for two nights.