22.06.-16.10.2011: Dungeness Spit NWR - Port Townsend - Whitbey Island - Deception Pass SP - Fairhaven - Vancouver - Okanagan

Click on a photo to enlarge it.

At Dungeness Spit we walked along a bluff at the National Wildlife Refuge. But then there was an entrance station to get to the Spit and a $3 charge. Problem - we didn't have any money with us! So we walked back along the trail and then drove around the bay to get a view of the Spit.

At Port Townsend we got the ferry across to Whidbey Island. We were parked right at the front and sitting in Winnie felt like we were driving on water!! We arrived on the island at 7-30pm and headed north. We had only a map and drove without knowing anything about places to stay and what there is to see.

We found a spot on the west coast near a State Park and watched the sunset. We drove across Deception Pass Bridge the following day and went onto Fidalgo Island.

View from Deception Pass bridge - 360° Panorama
(move mouse over panorama and click on the arrows)

At Washington Park we did a great loop drive. The road was barely wide enough for us but there were superb views of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and across to Vancouver Island.

Heading towards the Canadian border we drove along the Chukanut Scenic Drive and stopped at Fairhaven for fish and chips served from a double decker bus and a walk along the waterfront.

We drove into Canada and spent nearly 4 months in British Colombia visiting lots of friends.

Brian took us out for a drive to see some of the sites for the Winter Olympics in Vancouver in 2010 and ended up having to help a pick up truck that had got stuck in the sand!

Brian pulls a stuck car out of the sand

We had a great trip out in their boat on Canada Day where we sat in the harbour right in front of down town Vancouver and watched the fireworks display.

Marina in North Vancouver - 360° Panorama
(move mouse over panorama and click on the arrows)

Canada Day: Boat ride with Brian and Lily & Fireworks over Vancouver

We even got roped into various chores - like painting a wrought iron balcony and picking tomatoes.

We made some improvements in Winnie - for example we sanded down our rusty wing mirrors and re-sprayed them. We also needed a few repairs and got a new master cylinder, fuel filter and transmission fluid.