18.-29.10.2010: Page - Lone Rock - Horseshoe Bend - Waterholes Canyon

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The first thing we had to do in Page was to get a new computer. The old one didn't work at all anymore. We couldn't even switch it on. We went to the library so Kirsten could look up the critics on the computers available in Wal-Mart and then bought a cheap Compaq with Windows 7.

There will be a new generation coming out next year but by the time we can afford one it will be at least two or three years. So we only need one to keep us going until then. The main problem is all the photos. We have to have a way to download them and free up the camera chips so a cheap computer is all we really need.

We bought the computer and a new, larger hard drive and asked if we could plug in to an electric socket as the set up the computer would take hours and we needed 110 volt power. We couldn't use our 12 volt battery power in the motor home to do this.

So we drove to a different place on the car park and plugged in. It took over two hours just for the set up and the manager came along and told us that the cash tills were blocked because we were plugged in!!! Fortunately we had already asked for permission - there is no way that using an outside plug could affect tills inside the shop!! It was just an excuse. But if he had asked for money for the electricity we would have argued that we had just spent over $500 and needed 110 volts.

Then we had to do recovery CDs which also took hours and finally Kirsten started on all the software we need. Afterwards we literally had a shower on the car park when we tried to fill up water bottles from the tap and Kirsten pulled the lever up too hard and soaked us both!!

During the time we spent in Page we went to the library virtually every day so Kirsten could plug in and work on the software - not all of it was compatible on the new computer and she had to find alternatives.

We also tried to get the old computer repaired. We went to a place in town and the owner said it was probably the battery. So we ordered a new one over the internet and had it sent to the shop. It arrived a week later and we found out it wasn't the battery at all. So we had to return the battery and ask for a refund.

So now we think it's the power plug which will be very expensive to repair and isn't worth it. But we will still ask at Best Buy when we get to Tucson and ask for a quote. At least that will be free!

Our friends Agnes and Helmut arrived a few days after we got there and we spent one day at Wahweap with them. We left the motor home at Wal-Mart and drove with them. We used the pay showers there and Helmut and Kirsten used the wi-fi for the day.

The weather had not been that good but we picked a reasonable day to do a 6 mile walk to Birthday Arch and a small slot canyon. We had a bit of difficulty trying to find somewhere to park and had to walk 0.5 miles along the road. Then we walked along a wash.

The arch itself isn't very spectacular but it was a very nice walk with a number of formations in the rocks along the wash. Afterwards we drove to Lone Rock for a cup of tea.

We also spent a day putting together Helmut's boat that he inherited from his brother. He'd never set it up before and wanted us to help and try it out. Kirsten was already calling it "our boat" as she is looking forward to the fishing in Teacapan!

We had the instructions and Helen's job was to translate them into German! It took about 5 hours to take the boat off the motor home, put it together, take it apart and remount it. In between, the boat was duly christened with champagne and tested in the water. Kirsten even got a short ride for about 5 minutes!

'Unser Gerhard' tried out for the first time.

In Teacapan the boat will be put to good use but once it is assembled it will stay that way until Helmut and Agnes leave. We will be there to help of course!

Helmut and Agnes left and headed for Las Vegas and Death Valley. We stayed in Page, still dealing with the computers but also went to Horseshoe Bend with a great view and then to Waterholes Canyon where there is a fantastic wall that looks very much like the Wave. Kirsten was in photo heaven!

We finally left Page because it was getting too cold - almost freezing at night. Time to head for the sun.